Monday, August 21, 2006

Aiden Is Just Soooooo Punny!!

Aiden's favorite subject of late has been space and the galaxy and all that goes with it (planets, stars, rockets, etc.). The other night we were at a friend's house for dinner and a swim in the pool. Aiden had me as the rocketship, and would say things like "Let's fly to Saturn!" He would hang onto my neck and I would swim to different parts of the pool with him.

At one point Aiden asked, "Mom, what's on the moon?"

"Moon rocks."

"Mom, and space rocks."

"Yes, Aiden, and space rocks."

"And space sand."

"Yes, Aiden, I'm sure there is space sand on the moon, too."

"Yeah, Mom. And the space sand is outta this world!!"


Thérèse said...


Proud Mum said...

What a cute kid.

fourth_fret said...

now that's funny. sounds like he's outta this world!

ABQ Mom said...

He is a pretty punny kid. How do you contain your laughter every day?

Allrie said...

Yes, I was missing out not having read this yet. That's MY grandson! :D