Friday, July 15, 2005

So Hot

It is sooooo hot outside. I'm not talking about Paris Hilton (who I can't stand... but that is another post all together) hot. I'm talking triple digits hot, everyday for the past week. Apparantly we are breaking records here like crazy. All this heat can make a person crazy. Actually, I've seen it recently.

Several of us mom friends here have been meeting in the mornings to go to the park. It is summer, and what a better time for the kids to run and scream outside, right? It is so hot, however, that the so-called safe playground equipment (meaning that it is plastic or whatever and not metal slides and the such) heats up quickly and burns any part of your flesh that touches it. Our kids have been getting hurt. Every park in town is like that (we've been to just about every park in town trying to find the coolest, temperature-wise). So the moms have been pushing the time up earlier and earlier. I was supposed to meet one mom this morning at 8:30. That so did not happen. Maybe next time I can get us up and ready.

My one friend does not have an air conditioner in her house at this time. They just feel like they are dying. She said her daughters eat at least two popsicles each every single day. She also squirts them with water before naptime. Thankfully, we have an air conditioner, so we've had them over to play a few times. They cool off, and Aiden has people to play with so he won't attack his baby brother. We all win.

I think the worst thing about all this heat is how irritable people become. After the park this morning, a small group of us went shopping. Three moms and five kids under the age of three. Wow. Aiden got tired of the store, so I said I would wait at the entrance while the others finished up. Aiden chose that time to sing Darth Vader's theme at the top of his lungs. I wasn't too worried about it because there was a lot of other noise going on around us and Dallin was starting to fuss a little, so I was comforting him. I looked up and this old lady was glaring at Aiden and me. I thought it was my imagination, and Aiden stopped singing. The woman started to walk away, when Aiden started to sing again. She then stopped, turned around, and glared again! It wasn't my imagination after all. After she walked away, she came back one more time to give another glare. Geez.

My friends joined me and we stood there talking for a few minutes while the kids started to look at books. They were laughing, but it wasn't that bad. One mom went over to the trash can to throw something out, and the old woman looked over from the slot machines (those little buggers are everywhere here in Nevada). She looked at my friend, then at the entire group of us, and glared some more. My friend said it was like she was thinking "There are more of them?!" So my friend smiled and waved at her.

So what was her problem? Were the kids too loud and she coudn't hear the dinging sounds from the slot machines? Did we make her nervous by the sounds of a two-and-a-half year old who can sing the entire Star Wars soundtrack (which is really kind of cute, I think). I just blame it on the heat.

The other irritable pople (besides old women gambling and toddlers at the playground, that is) are drivers. You can't drive anywhere in this town without seeing drivers cutting off other drivers, swearing out their windows, and shaking their fists, or worse, flipping of a van filled with little kids. Personally, I like to crank up the A/C in my car, turn the radio up a little, and drive carefully home where I know I have ice cream in the freezer and DVDs about ice hockey, Jamaican bobsled teams, or Christmas to watch. I'm so fine with this.


Alyson said...

I've been known to get a little unreasonably cranky during a hot spell. But I think singing Darth vaders theme is awsome. Ethan does it all the time.

April_Mommy said...

I am so glad that your friend waved at her! Show her that you noticed her glares and DID NOT CARE! Kids are too much fun to shoosh all the time! Keep up the singing!