Wednesday, August 24, 2005

He's Driving Me Insane!!

My child is driving me seriously insane! He just won't shut up! It must be the age (he'll be three next month), but I really don't know how long I can live through this. All day, everyday, all I hear is his little voice repeating the same things. Constantly repeating. This morning, for example, I was getting ready to take out the trash. Aiden saunters around the corner and says "What you doing, Mom?"

"I'm taking out the trash, Aiden." There is a short pause as Aiden looks at the trash bags at my feet, then he looks at my face again. He must be thinking "How can I really get her goat today?"

Aiden then says "What you doing, Mom?" about ten more times. Each time, I respond with the same answer, yet he still asks. He followed me to the front door, and I could hear him as I'm walking away from the apartment, "What you doing, Mom? Taking out the trash?"

WHY does he do this? Sometimes he'll make some random comment: "Someday I be tall like Dad and drive a car." I will hear the comment for the next 20 minutes, whether or not I respond.

I'm way too tired for this. I am going to rip out my hair if I have to hear "What's that?" one more time. I meet with my doctor on Tuesday to decide how my meds are going. Maybe it's time to up the dosage!!


terrierchica said...

Don't worry, Aiden can't drive you insane. You're already there.

Jen said...

I'm laughing out loud! Can you hear me?

Alyson said...

Hey lady why aren't you home? I'm trying to help you out with the thing.

Philosophical Karen said...

Oh, I just realized you and Alyson must be related -- or very good friends, at least. I like both your blogs.

April_Mommy said...

Don't wory Seriah, it is a phase! Sometimes it can feel like a very LONG phase, but it shall also pass. Mine (who is nearly three) has taken to shouting out "POOP!" any time she goes potty in her diaper... perhaps it is time to start potty training :-)

FeatherSky said...

haha My 2 1/2 year old, Jaedin, yells "GO AWAY!" to any phrase that resembles a question, so be glad that yours is at least saying something positive...if not repetitive! Beware of the potty training, Jaedin's to the stage where when company comes over he'll disappear for a few minutes, then come running back in the room butt-neked with a huge smile saying "I pee-pee potty!!!" He does that EVERY time a guest visits!!