Sunday, November 20, 2005

Falling Into Manhood

Have you ever noticed that every single guy has a little scar under his chin? Well, maybe not every guy, but all the ones I can think of. I remember having conversations about this in college, and each guy lifting up his chin to show off the scar, then relating the story behind it. Some fell from trees or swingset, some had bike wrecks, I think one guy even had a shaving accident. It seems to be this introduction into manhood. Every male must get a scar under his chin.

Today, Aiden has started his journey into manhood. After church, I was finally preparing myself some lunch, Ches was in the kitchen talking to me, Dallin was playing on the living room floor, and Aiden was sitting at the table about to eat some chips and salsa. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aiden's chair tip backwards. There are some moments in my life that seriously seem to go in slow motion, and this was one of them. I couldn't get there in time and the chair fell all the way down. Aiden had fallen backwards, and hit his head on the floor. I immediately picked him up and rushed to the couch to calm him down. After a minute or so of him crying like he was dying, we noticed he was bleeding... a LOT. Further investigation showed that he had a cut under his chin. It wasn't just a little slap on a band-aid cut, either. It was a long, wide, deep gash. We had to go to the emergency room.

Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck. We don't have insurance, so who knows how much this is going to cost! But most of all, my baby is hurt. He is such a boy, so he falls down all the time. His fingetnails are always dirty, and his legs are black and blue from so many bruises. He has scrapes all over him. It's normal. But this cut on his chin was not normal.

Well, I held it together pretty well, and we were actually in and out of the hospital in an hour. I'm impressed! I mean, when I lived in Arizona, I had to go to the emergency room in Mesa, and I was there for over 7 hours before I saw anyone! Everyone was friendly and helpful. Aiden got an aweful lot of stickers from the nurses. He didn't get stitches, but he has some kind of glue on his chin now. It should wear off in about 5 days. He is totally fine, so we are home, happy, and healthy (that is, until we get the bill. Hmmm.).

The best part is that as we were in one room, waiting for a nurse, Ches and I talked about how Aiden will now have his "manly" scar under his chin. The nurse came in, took one look at Aiden and said, "Every boy falls and cuts his chin at some point."

Aiden, welcome to manhood. Or the first step, anyway. You are only 3 after all!


Lura said...

Dude--Jesse totally has a scar under his chin! That's funny. He actually just got his during Basic Training, though. Aiden is way ahead of schedule.

Philosophical Karen said...

I never thought about that whole chin scar thing before, but I think you're right.

ABQ Mom said...

Will doesn't have a scar on his chin (yet), I'll have to check to see if Shane does... :-)

Will may not have a scar on his chin but he's got a few on his forehead. I guess his turn for on the chin will come.

Congratulation to Aiden.

terrierchica said...

The glue on his chin is what they use instead of stitches on kids (the kids cry a LOT when they get stitches, and then you have to go back and get them taken out. Not fun for anyone!). It's basically superglue. Almost the exact same chemical makeup. In Richmond, I always kept superglue in my hockey bag, and so did about half the guys on my team, because if a skate blade cut ya you need to have a way to stop the bleeding (hockey rules state that one may not be on the ice if dripping blood). Anyway, poor Aiden. Emergency rooms suck and are wicked expensive. Hopefully it won't be TOO bad...

April_Mommy said...

ROFL! My Hubby has a scar on his chin as well! I will have to ask him again how he got it :-)

Mike said...

My fell-and-hit-my-chin-on-the-asphalt incident happened with a skateboard. Instead of the "chin scar" I have chipped canine teeth.

Kris said...

Superglue it is. Regular old superglue...seriously.
