Monday, December 05, 2005

My Weekend

It was a busy weekend here. Sometimes I really feel like the weekend needs an extra day or two just so we can recover from the weekend. Is it just me?

Saturday was State Football Playoffs. HHS lost. It was very sad. I mean, everyone is SO excited that the made it all the way and that means they are #2 for large schools, but the team had a really off day. They didn't even score!! It was also very cold at the game. Only about 40 degrees (F), and our side of the stadium was in the shade the entire day. The band did okay. We didn't perform the halftime show (we quit marching a long time ago!), but we did have our feeder school with us: TMS. We were supposed to march in a Hometowne Christmas Parade, but since our team made it to State, we changed our plans. Since the middle school kids had been practicing the parade music, at half time we had the kids (middle and high schoolers) march on to the track, then arc it up to play for the stands. I got to teach a bunch of the middle school kids how to spin a flag and they learned a little routine. They were so nervous! They actually did quite well, for never having done it before, and learning everything in the space of an hour.


At church yesterday, Aiden was in nursery and someone from Primary went in to take a picture of him. I happened to be walking the halls with a very tired Dallin when she came out of the nursery, just laughing. She saw me and said, "He is so funny!"

"What did he do now?" I groaned.

"I was taking his picture, so he kept posing, saying 'I'm a Power Ranger!'"

"He's never even seen Power Rangers! Where in the world does he learn this stuff??"

"Oh, honey," replied the experienced mom, "they learn this stuff in Heaven before they get here. There is nothing you can do."

I think she is totally right.


It was announced yesterday that Nevada is going to Hawaii for their bowl game. That means the band is going to Hawaii. That means Ches is going to Hawaii. Oh, and the game is on Christmas Eve. Yup. My birthday. I'm quite depressed. I want to go! And I don't want my husband gone to some exotic island on MY birthday! I know I'm whining big time, but I just don't think it's fair. All I can say is, he'd better get me something really cool.


Fourth Fret, the alligator does not have a name. Aiden hasn't started actually naming his stuffed animals yet. I asked him once what his favorite dog was called, and he thought for a minute and replied, "Ummm, Dog!" He thought it was pretty brilliant. So the alligator is just Alligator. Although sometimes he is Crocodile. Actually he is Crocodile more often than Alligator. And when Aiden is really excited about something, it is Crocodiyiyiyiyiyiyal. So anyway, please don't take your ball and leave! You have the coolest ball, and the coolest game ideas ever! We'd be heartbroken without you.


April_Mommy said...

Oh man my hubby would be in big trouble if he left me for Hawii on my birthday and christmas! I say make him take you along as... ummm... equipment handler! Ya! That would work right?

ABQ Mom said...

Oh ditto april. I would not be one my husband would WANT to come home to after going to hawaii without me on my birthday and christmas. Theres got to be some way you can go!
I loved the story about Aiden in Nursery. Never even seen the power rangers.
Today we went to our monthly ward pizza luncheon. (as my birthday is this month!) Sydnie was eating a granola bar and the woman next to us commented on how well she was holding it and looking coordinated. She said she learned it in heaven, and that the kids now adays are just so much smarter.

Proud Mum said...

The power ranger story is priceless. Do you keep a baby journal for him? (I don't, I've put my trust in blogger and then hardly blog about my son. Silly Heather, Silly Silly Heather.)

Sorry about Hawaii. I had a hard enough time when Paul went to Hawaii and left me in Idaho. But we were engaged and I was still a student. I had music lit to keep me occupied. And the only major holiday we missed was Valentine's Day. I would not have enjoyed missing him for my birthday or Christmas. So sorry for you! Can you fit in his carryon and send your kids to your parents?

Allrie said...

My plan would be for Sariah and kids "to your folks" Of course that probably won't happen either--but I can hope!

fourth_fret said...

well... crocodile is the best alligator name i've ever heard. i was hanging on the edge of my seat until you told me the name, and now i can breathe easy. whew. thanks for that. :D

the power rangers are called POWER rangers for a reason. for example, i can quote: "STAND BACK! This room is protected by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. You must have code access to enter!"... and i don't know why. but i do like the theory that little ones come equipped directly from heaven with knowledge of kids shows. that just makes sense. God is good.

Lura said...

I miss my nephew!! I hope you can go to Ohio before Christmas so I can see you again. Aiden is so cute.

ABQ Mom said...

I was thinking about the power rangers thing. I took the kids to mcdonalds today to play. The happy meal toy (which they did not get) was power rangers, or w.i.t.c.h. toys. Has Aiden seen a mcdonalds happy meal commerical lately?

Philosophical Karen said...

Wow, Power Rangers. I used to watch that show all the time. Um, not by choice, mind you. There were three different versions of it on at the time. I liked Wild Force, with the animals. Um, not that I really watched it or anything. I was just listening in the background. Yeah, that's it. Just listening. (Those special effects were kinda cool though. The ones I could hear, I mean.)

Allrie said...

There were three different Power Rangers Shows? Are any still running anywhere? I see and hear little boys "being" Power Rangers frequently. Whatever happened to He-Man and She-Rah?