Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cell Phones

Now here is something that I can really agree with. I don't even have to write a whole ranting post about it. Someone else did it for me!! Read on, my friends.


fourth_fret said...

heh. i'm not a big fan of cellphones. i have one that i use for emergencies only. well, i would, except i never turn it on except to make sure it still works, and never carry it with me because it freaks me out a little bit.

i don't even know my cellphone number, so i obviously don't give it out.

the world is continually progressing, but progress certainly isn't making it a better place. (i personally think cellphones should spontaneously combust when used IN grocery stores, restruants, cars, buses, or anywhere else i am forced to listen to a private converation that should really be private.)

Proud Mum said...

That was a great post, much more eloquent than I could have done.

I'm not a cell person. When Paul worked for Voice Stream (now T-Mobile) he made me have one, but the only time I ever used it was when he called me. I've not had one since, but he's been threatening to get me one this summer.


I just hope I can remember all those rules...

Allrie said...

I, to, am cell phoneless. I do find it convenient to be able to call Erica on her cell and it was cheaper than having a phone in her dorm. She actually is pretty good about everything on the etiquette list, except she does use it at the store--when I call her to say, "Oh, and would you also get_________, please?"

Driving and cell phones really do not mix--that's how Erica got hit by that car last fall.

ABQ Mom said...

We don't have cell phones but I did get a pre-paid one for this last trip. It came in handy big time. You buy the phone and then you buy a card with minutes(like the long distance phone cards). You have a certain number of days to use a certain number of minutes. When the time is up the phone is deactivated, then you just buy another card. I'll have to go read the cell phone ettiquete site in a minute. Favorite feature of the cell phone: text messaging!