Thursday, January 12, 2006

In Pursuit of Coolness

Well, Fourth Fret says I'm not cool because I didn't like "Better Off Dead" when Ches made me watch it a million and a half years ago (this coming from the chick who doesn't believe in ninja pirates! Can you believe it???). Of course, Ches thinks the movie is awesome. What does he know, though? He doesn't like "A Christmas Story"!! What kind of people do I surround myself with, anyway.

I want to be cool, so I have agreed to watch "Better Off Dead" again. While we're at it, what else do you people want me to do to be cool? I gotta know. You know my life is all about pleasing everyone else and being popular!!


fourth_fret said...

clearly bonnie is not cool. ;) (bonnie- i realise we have zero history, so... please know, i rarely am serious in any of my quips.)

and you're misleading here sariah. your coolness was reinstated almost immediately. it's just... the degree of coolness that's in question.

and, uh... you're the one with an accent. i'm just sayin'...

Kris said...

The coolness factor...hmmmm...I am NOT the person to ask about that, and that is an understatement. (I sell Tupperware after all)


Sariah said...

Tupperware is COOL! I'm addicted to it, really. Which is why I never buy it... because I wouldn't know when to stop.

Next time I'm up visiting Alyson, I'm calling you and buying stuff, though.

Alyson said...

Are you sure its not pirate ninjas? As for better off dead "I want my Two dollars"
"I don't have a dime"
"I didn't ask for a dime, I want my two dollars."

As for coolness, I get cool all the time, I think I would rather be hot.

When you come up, (the trick is getting you up) I promise I will will connect you with plastic obsession.

April_Mommy said...

This is pure snow!

Oh, and I can't stand "A Christmas Story"... so Ches is sounding more and more cool to me all the time.

We speak the language of love at our house :-) tee hee

ABQ Mom said...

I must not be cool, because I can't think of ANYTHING to write in response. Maybe its that I'm tired, ya that's it... maybe I'll have something better in the morning...:-O

Allrie said...

Tell Ches that I think he's really cool, I can't STAND "A Christmas Story" (anybody who is at least 2 yrs of age and lives in snow country knows how STUPID you'd have to be to stick your tongue on that pole...)

Sariah, when Richard and Erica used to assign a "coolness" number, yours was always high. (Mine fluctuated wildly depending upon whether or not they were in trouble for something or if I would allow something.) Already living away from home gave you an edge.